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Το σπίτι των αστεριών

Ο ήλιος έδυε πίσω από τα βουνά, ρίχνοντας μια ζεστή πορτοκαλί λάμψη πάνω από το χωριό. Σε ένα μικρό σπίτι ...

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Les aventures du chaton orange et blanc

Il était une fois un petit chaton orange et blanc nommé Max. Un jour, alors qu’il se promenait dans le ...

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The Black Dog's Secret

John was a retired cop who lived alone in his small apartment. He didn't have many friends, but he had ...

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The Mice and the Magical Cheese

In a small village, nestled at the foot of a great mountain range, there lived a tiny mouse named Max. ...

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The Village of Shadows

The sun was setting as I arrived at the small Asian village. I had been traveling for months, searching for ...

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The Secret Ingredient

John was always fascinated by abandoned places, especially old houses with a history. He loved exploring them and imagining the ...

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Blood Oath

The man in the black jacket walked down the dimly lit hallway with a purpose. He had arrived in Mystic ...

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The Secrets of the Tree House

John had always been fascinated by the tree house in the woods near his home. He used to spend hours ...

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The Lizard Rider

On a dreary grey day, a lone lizard named Lizzy decided to take her bike for a spin. As she ...

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The Palm Tree's Secret

Jack stared out at the vast expanse of the ocean, feeling a sense of unease wash over him. He had ...

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