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Potjera počinje

U kuhinji se čuo zvuk lupanja. Tom i Jerry su se utrkivali oko stola. Tom je pokušao uhvatiti Jerryja, ali ...

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الجرة على مقبض الباب

كان يوما صيفيا دافئا في بلدة ميلفيلد الصغيرة. أشرقت الشمس عاليا في السماء ، وألقت توهجا ساطعا على المنطقة ، ...

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The Curse of the Blue Statue

The blue statue had always been a source of fascination for the small town of Millfield. No one knew where ...

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The Guardian of the Yellow Light

As the sun set, a man stood in front of a yellow light. He had been traveling for days, and ...

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The Purple Mountain

The black woman with purple hair stood in front of the mountain, her eyes fixed on the enemy approaching from ...

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Ratchet and Clank: The Clueless Chronicles

Ratchet had been on this barren planet for what felt like days, searching for any scrap of useful technology or ...

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أزهار الحب

أضافت أزهار الكرز الوردي في إناء زجاجي على عتبة النافذة لمسة من الجمال إلى الغرفة العادية. كانت ندى قد وضعتهم ...

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Green Shirt and Purple Hijab

A young boy wearing a green shirt was walking home from school when he noticed a woman in a purple ...

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La búsqueda del libro perdido

Era una tarde tranquila en el aula, con el sonido de las páginas pasando y la tos o el estornudo ...

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La mente vitrea

Lucia, una donna di scienza, indossa gli occhiali e lavora al suo computer, cercando di caricare la luce sulla rete ...

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