Public Stories

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The Lost Cabin in the Woods

As the sun began to set, Sarah and her friends realized they were lost in the woods. They stumbled upon ...

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The Lost Map

The piece of paper with pencils and pens lay abandoned on the ground, unnoticed by the busy crowds rushing past. ...

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दिव्य मूर्तियां

एक दिन एक गार्डन में लॉर्ड कृष्ण की कई मूर्तियां थी। वे सभी शानदार थीं और एक दूसरे से अलग-अलग ...

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The Crimson Blade

Akiko stood on the bridge, overlooking the shimmering river below. She was dressed in a red kimono, her long black ...

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As Aventuras de Lilith

Lilith era uma menina curiosa que amava brincar com seus brinquedos no chão da sua pequena casa. Ela tinha uma ...

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الأرنب الأزرق مع زهرة على رأسه

في وقت بعيد ، كان هناك أرنب أزرق صغير مع زهرة جميلة ولامعة على رأسه. عاش الأرنب في غابة كبيرة ...

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The Radiant Nebula

In the middle of the desert, there was a small town called Oasis. The town was home to a group ...

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Window to the Sky

The old mansion stood tall and imposing, its windows boarded up and its walls covered in ivy. Emma had always ...

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The Lego Fish in the Hospital

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a young prince named Liam. Liam was a kind and ...

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The Enchanted Avian

The bird perched on a power pole under a cloudy sky was no ordinary bird. It was a phoenix, a ...

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