Public Stories

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City of Golden Sunset

The sun is setting over the city with buildings in the background. I sit on my balcony, sipping a cold ...

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The Wanderer's Adventure

John stood in front of the towering building, gazing up in awe. The building was unlike anything he had ever ...

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العميل السري

جلس علي في المقهى يقرأ كتابا ، مستمتعا بالأجواء الهادئة. فجأة ، لاحظ رجلا يدخل المقهى ويجلس على طاولة بالقرب ...

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Prática de Exame Aprovada

Ana estava se preparando para o exame de condução há meses. Ela tinha estudado o manual do motorista, praticado com ...

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The Enchanted Restaurant

The restaurant was situated in the heart of the forest, hidden away from the rest of the world. It had ...

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Blue Hoodie and Mountains

Mia was sitting in a cozy coffee shop, sipping her latte and scrolling through her phone. She had just moved ...

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The Blue Suit

John, a wealthy businessman, received a mysterious portrait of himself in a suit. He was puzzled as he never posed ...

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Девушка и морское существо

Диана, дочь короля, решила отправиться на прогулку по океану на своем белом коне. Она позвала свою лучшую подругу Ариану и ...

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The Dream Chaser

The city was under attack. A group of villains had taken over the streets, causing chaos and destruction wherever they ...

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The View from the Living Room

Detective Sarah had seen a lot in her years on the force, but even she was taken aback by the ...

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