Public Stories

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The Hoop in My Room

Max loved playing basketball. He had a hoop on the wall of his room that he would practice with every ...

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خوفناک تصویر

یہ ہفتہ کی ایک عام دوپہر تھی جب بیس سال کی عمر کی ایک نوجوان خاتون سارہ نے عینک پہنے ...

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Snapchat Patriot

John was a former Navy SEAL, who had seen his fair share of action. When he stumbled upon the American ...

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The Glass Warrior

John sat at his desk, staring at the glasses in front of him. They were a constant reminder of his ...

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Lost at Sea

Two boys, Jack and Max, were sitting on a small boat in the middle of the ocean. They had been ...

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The Colorful Woman

She walked down the busy street with her face painted in colors that could only be described as flamboyant. Her ...

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Bloom of Danger

The sun had just set over the city, and the streets were slowly being taken over by darkness. Detective John ...

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The Painted Lady

The sun was setting over the city as Detective Sarah Jones made her way to the abandoned warehouse on the ...

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Forever Together

The bride walked down the aisle, her heart racing with anticipation. She couldn't believe that this day had finally come ...

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El chico del graffiti

Juanito siempre había sido un chico curioso. Le encantaba explorar el mundo que lo rodeaba y descubrir cosas nuevas. Un ...

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